Monday, July 22, 2013

Hey Guys! Heads Up!!

Hey guys!! I haven't posted since, October, I know pretty crazy. But hey, when you can't get on Animal Jam, it's pretty frustrating and messes up your blog pretty well. But this Summer, we're visiting my grandparents and I get an outlet! But I've decided that I should change up the blog. Get a bit more creative. Most people just update on items. That's cool, I'm alright with that. What I think though, is to make my blog a bit...personal. Random. Maybe a tidbit on a person I met.  Advice. Stories.  I'll do my best to update on a party or a Monday Rare, and the new land Cosmo seems to have found, but we're gonna be changing. So I welcome you to a new blog, one that's gonna be more me, and more colorful!


Cheers, Sriha123



  1. :O Your blog is EPICLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I'll be visiting everyday and commenting :3 keep up the good work, and be happy ^-^


    1. Thanks Chihuahuas!! Love your name!!

      Cheers, Sriha123

  2. yay keep on the good work
    pvp saaan

    1. Thanks! Your support is Much, Much Appreciated!!

      Cheers, Sriha123
